venerdì 14 giugno
dalle 9:30 alle 10:30

Health and safety among cattle feedlot workers in the United States


Cattle production is the most important agricultural industry in the United States, with nearly half of all cattle feedlots are located in the central region of the country. The cattle feeding industry depends heavily on an immigrant workforce, especially in larger operations, where about half of the workers are Latin-American immigrants. In general, the industry has high rates of occupational injuries. Because of this, researchers from the College of Public Health of the University of Nebraska Medical Center are studying health and safety-related issues among cattle feedlot workers. This seminar will highlight recent research conducted with cattle feedlot workers and discuss how understanding the work context is critical for developing interventions that advance worker health, safety, and well-being.


  • 14 giugno dalle 9:30 alle 10:30

Organizzato da

Dipartimento di Scienze agroalimentari, ambientali e animali


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via delle Scienze 206, Udine