lunedì 19 febbraio
dalle 9:00 alle 18:00

Visit of three distinguished colleagues from Cambridge to Udine

Convegno internazionale in lingua inglese:

08.30 University of Udine, Auditorium Rizzi: presentation of Dr. Alessandra Colli, Policy Officer and Program Manager in the European Commission’s DG-RTD for the Clean Steel programmes under Horizon Europe and the Research Fund for Coal and Steel

09.00 University of Udine, Auditorium Rizzi: presentation of Prof. Sir Harry Bhadeshia new book (Steels, 5th Edition

11.00 Visit of two local and global steel related companies, Acciaierie Bertoli Safau and Ergolines

15.00 University of Udine, Auditorium Rizzi: presentation from Dr. Aurélie Jacob, Technische Universität Wien Thermodynamic Prediction of the Impact of Carbon on Bainite Formation, Including the BCT Transformation

16.00 "Dream Project" linking (laboratory and science based) Calphad data(bases) we are discussing in the XMLtdb project leaded by Prof. Bo Sundman KTH Stockholm to link data which are more and more available in the broad field of intelligent processes in manufacturing to discuss

17.00 At an European Level, important "Big Tickets" in the call for proposals for EU action grants in the field of Steel under the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) to discuss

All presentations will also be online; for attending online please be so kind to register (for free) at EventBrite

Evento collegato:

18.30 "Torre di Santa Maria - Vetrina dell'Ingegno" venue managed by Udine Association of Industry Confindustria Udine

Presentation of Prof. Sir Harry Bhadeshia new book (Steels, 5th Edition


  • 19 febbraio dalle 9:00 alle 18:00

Organizzato da

Dipartimento Politecnico di ingegneria e architettura


Docenti, Ricercatori, Studenti, Dottorandi


Prof. Fabio Miani, email:


Auditorium Biblioteca scientifica e tecnologica, via Fausto Schiavi 44, Udine e Online

lunedì 19 febbraio
dalle 12:00 alle 13:30

Mattioli e Menichella: un'idea pratica della banca e della moneta